work only 1H and make much money!!!!

Well let's be honest, if you landed on this page then you are surely interested in online money making, and that's one of the things that require some knowledge and some light effort. I have spent days and nights to bring you this precious information about online money making! It is just the right place for you to do that,
Just promise to be patient to read this, and be sure your efforts will not go away!
5 pages will certainly change your life!

So let’s start!
  1. Very Important:
Before I thought of writing this document, I have spent the whole time reading and searching easy ways to get money online! And to be sure of this subject. I realized all this through reading blogs, forums and any website talking about money online. Personally, I do not like to waste time on chatting, So instead of spending the whole day talking about nonsense, why don’t you get paid for the thousands of clicks you make every day!

Nowadays, the crisis is wide spread almost anywhere. However, there are ways to gain money whenever, wherever and whoever you are!

I have handicapped friends, and I have young and very old ones: so I thought of making this great effort to find a way for them to work and earn too.
For me, there is no difference between handicapped, healthy, man, woman, rich or poor or orphan! We are all the same, we are all humans and we can become ill at any moments!

Well, let’s proceed, the fist question that comes to your mind “money online is only a scam”. That’s definitely false! I have been thinking that making money online is only a lie but after what I have read, and what my friends proved to me! I am completely satisfied and convinced of what I earn through clicking online! I promise you that when you follow the steps I made , your life will change  within months so mine did when I started working in this project.

All what you need is a computer and internet in order to start building your life and future. The proof for the truthfulness of what I say is that this work does not require any prior fortune or money to start. In order not to go further in details as I see some of you start to yawn :D !!!

I have read about more than 200 websites talking about this subject. Unfortunately, every site does not provide the full details. So, my effort is the following:
I have collected all the information from all sites and forums in order to regroup them in one piece of work . this indeed time saving for you . so, be ready and concentrate so I can state the positive and negative parts if any. The best way for you to understand is Q/A (question and answers:

Please if you have other questions that are not stated here, you can contact me and I will answer and explain all what you need or any point in abeyance ( email:

There are many ways to earn money, but as the world is mixed with normal people and professional ones. I have decided to talk about the easiest way which can be handled by any one.

The subject is that there are companies online which present advertisements and deals on their website and it gives a reward for any one clicking on adverts or having a look at their products. These are called PTC websites .Simply to say, if someone want to advertise a product, he gives it to the online company that put it on their pages then people can see the adverts and it pays some of its benefits for the subscribers who are supposed to view the adverts.

1st question how does a company know that I viewed the adverts ?
-          Answer: After you sign up in the online company, it puts at your disposal many adverts and links to click on . you click on the advertisement link, and you wait 12 second up to 30 as every company has its rules of waiting, then after the 12 second a message will be displayed informing you that you have been credited and added to your account because every company creates you a space for saving your money.
-          2nd Question: How much do I get for a click?
Answer: for every click you have 0.01 $ that’s a cent. Means if you click 10 links you’ll have 10 cents. You  are right man !!!! this a simple amount and not sufficient!
Nice , but let me tell you that we have a lot of websites and we will not depdn only on one site.( if you sing up in 10 companies so it is 1$ per day)

Calm down, I tell you this is only the start!
You will not depend only on links, there is something precious called “referrals”.

What is a referral!
Briefly speaking, referrals are the people that you invite  to join the companies you are signed up in, and for their benefits and activity, the company rewards you by giving more money but without touching theirs!

Can you make this point clearer???

Yeah! Of course. For every company online, it has a space called referrer , so in that referrer you type the name of the person who refers you to that website. The most important thing is that the type of referrer you type there differs in terms of the website rewards. I will make it clear by telling you my story.

The person who refered me was only a starter on PTC sites, so I was not gaining much, but with my everydays efforts to collect money, I managed to win a premium account which helped my friends to win half of what I win every time. So to help you more, it is preferable that you use( windows2011) because it is a certified account which will be automatically recognized when you sign up in every site.
Simply, signing up with that referrer gives you high and guaranteed payment.

Can I have a ceritifed account and premium one too???

I tell you yes, do your efforst like I did and you can have money and buy it, then you can also invited as many as you like.

For example, imagine, you invited 10 people, then you’ll have one dollar from each one  of them! It is the company that rewards you! You are not taking from theirs! Means you’ll have 10 $ everyday!
If you collect money and buy and premium account and invite 100 people! It is up to you to count! Yes you’ll have 100 $a day!!!!

The question that comes to your mind is what makes the company pay two times ??? for you and for the person you invite!

When you invite people to their website, they get more and more money, so they have to reward you J

Your question: What if I sign up in 100 websites???
If you sign up in 100 websites, you will spend the whole day clicking and you will feel bored!
Personally, I do not agree with you to sign up in 100 websites, for this I have found a number of websites that truly and seriously pay and which have good reputation and 5***** rated ones, because I cannot deny that I have been scammed and I do not want my friends and poor people to lose and waste their efforts or be victims to people behind scams.

One important question is that when can I withdraw my money ??

Websites differ from one to another, some websites can give you money when you get 1$, some when you get 2$, or 3$ and so on. So this is not the issue
So from time to time when you sign in to the website, check something called your payment or cashout.

How can I withdraw my money!

You can get your money through the electronic banks. The most well-known and used are PayPal and alert pay.

Here is the link for Alert pay to make simple for you, all what you have to do is click on and you’ll be redirected to the is fully free.

and create one account also in the most loved and well known way to pay and be paid:
The reason for registering in both electronic banks if that may be some companies use alertpay and others use paypal.

In facts, these banks are  the most trusted banks online. The operation is withdrawing your money from PTC site to Alertpay, or paypal  then from there you can get a certified check that you can cash in western union. Or if you have an account in your bank, you can just link it to alert pay or to paypal  and then they will wire transfer you your money.

One important question that comes to your mind is that when adding my name as a referrer, it is true that I will have some money because I refered you to the site. At least, a reward for my hard work to make this project see the light J

I should draw your attention to one important thing, given that I have a premium and certified account this will help you gain more and more and you’ll be recognized by the PTC site in which I am signed up.

To make it as easy as 1, 2, 3 : If you sign up and leave the the referrer space blank, you’ll be like a normal person registered online, and your domain will be bought to someone else as a referrer, some one that you do not know will gain money according to your work.

If you have my referrer or give it to your friends, both of you will save time  and will gain extra money to upgrade to premium then you too, you can buy a referrer , a certified one, and you can give it to your friends.

It is up to you J
All I want you to do is helping every one, that’s why I prefered to write in English so the whole world will benefit.

Click here and create your account on alertpay:

2nd Step:
Signing up in PTC sites: I will give you the list of websites that I really trust, and from which I got money.
Please , just in order not to miss any website: you can create a doc file and copy all the sites, so when you start work you can have the file in front of you and you can move from site to site)
Or print in a paper, this is practical also, use the same password or names so you will not miss any.    sign up and use windows2011 in your referrer   Sign up and use windows2011 as your referrer      Sign up and use windows2011 as your referrer
Please, if the windows2011 displayed in the referrer space  automatically, then ok. If it is not you can type it.
I will not force any one to use my windows2011, just I do not want you to spend months clicking, so learn from my fault because a certified and premium referrer is 10 X faster and guaranteed than a standard one, and the WORST OF THAT if you let it blank, the company will buy your referral to some people you do not know, or your progress for getting money will be slower than a turtle.
I hope that I did my best  to explain this subject, so please once again, if someone needs any information or if you are satisfied, just thank me, I will not ask for a donation J  please contact me via email:  And the PTC site referrer is windows2011.


Before leaving, I will miss you so much. And I would like to invite and call every one to share this nice and useful websites which granted me with money and information.

This second part is for freelancers:

The best website all over the world is  here. Click on the link to create an account and work online.

I promise every one who reads this, that I will never stop sharing any information that will help improve life or will build our futures.
There are people dying of famines, people sick, people crawling. Let’s help every one.

PATIENCE and HOPE will realize your dreams

So never be BORED This will take no longer than 1h30 of your time knowing that you spend 24/24 chatting !!!!

Thank you and see you later, as I have spent the whole night typing, sweating, and thinking of how to share getting money online.
Good luck.
